Hello everyone!

We will be sharing our season schedule next week! But first, we want to invite anyone interested in fire performing at the Jam or learning more about fire safety to attend our Reserve Jam Fire Safety Trainings!
Anyone that plans to perform at the Jams must take a Fire Safety Training and sign-up in advance by filling out the form below.
IMPORTANT: If you HAVE NEVER performed at the Jams before - OR - plan to perform with large/unique props - OR - fire breath, you must first attend a safety training at one of the "Reserve Jams" on June 4th, July 30th or September 24th.
If you HAVE performed at a Jam before, but have not taken the training since 2020, you can attend a refresher course prior to any Jam held at Foster Beach to renew your status on our Approved Performer List through 2025 (send us an email at info@fullmoonjam.org if you don't remember when you last took the training).
Please follow the link below for more information and feel free to share this link with anyone you know that may be interested in performing with fire! Our community relies on everyone using best safety practices in order to grow and thrive and we would love to share our knowledge and experience with everyone!
We look forward to seeing you all soon!